SECTION X. Parties will, during the execution of this agreement, establish a Dispute Board (Review, Adjudication or Hybrid Board) under the provisions of CAMES Dispute Board Regulations, whose rules are deemed as part of the agreement hereof, in order to solve any disputes, doubts or conflicts arisen during the execution of this agreement.
§ 1º The Board may issue [include: Recommendations and/or Decisions] and will operate [include: permanently or ad hoc].
§ 2º The Board will comprise [include number] members, appointed under CAMES Brasil Regulations.
§ 3º In the event any of the parties does not comply with a provision of the Board, the dispute will be definitively resolved by arbitration conducted by CAMES Brasil, under the terms of the Arbitration Regulations.
§ 4º Parties hereby adhere to the Emergency Arbitration proceeding stipulated in CAMES Arbitration Regulation, in order to solve urgent measures that may be necessary prior to the establishment of the Arbitration Tribunal.
§ 5º Costs and fees of the Dispute Board and the arbitration proceeding will be borne equally by the parties, unless the production of evidence benefits only one of the parties.
§ 6º The non-prevailing party will reimburse the prevailing party of all the costs and fees borne during the course of the arbitration proceeding, as established in the arbitral award.
§ 7º The arbitral proceeding will be conducted by ____ (Sole Arbitrator or Arbitration Tribunal, comprised by three Arbitrators), appointed under CAMES Arbitration Regulations.
§ 8º The activities of the Board ant the arbitration proceedings will be conducted in [include language].
§ 9º The arbitral proceeding will be carried out at ______ [include city], at the headquarters of CAMES (include State), where the arbitral award will also be issued.
Alameda Santos, 1165,
sala 316
Jardim Paulista
São Paulo/SP – 01419-000
Tel.: (11) 4081-7485
Av. Tancredo Neves, 620, 33° andar, Caminho das Árvores, Salvador, Bahia 41820-020 Tel.:(11) 93464-9362
Alameda Santos, 1165, sala 11, caixa postal 116340
Jardim Paulista
São Paulo/SP – 01419-000
Tel.: (11) 4081-7485
Av. Desembargador Moreira, 1300, BS Design, sala 804,
Torre Norte – Aldeota
Fortaleza/CE – 60170-002
Tel.: (85) 99735-8385
SBS Quadra 02 nº 12 – Bloco E
Sala 206 – Asa Sul
Brasília/DF – 70070-120
Atendimento ao público:
8º andar
Tel.: (61) 3044-1661
Edifício Nasa Business
Avenida 136, nº 761
11º andar, Setor Marista
Goiânia/GO – 74093-250
Tel.: (62) 99464-4941
Av. Afonso Pena, 3355
11° andar – Bairro Serra
Belo Horizonte/MG
Tel.: (31) 3254-9997 |
Tel.: (11) 93464-9362
Av. Rio Branco, número 151, Sala 601 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro -/RJ
Tel.: (21) 3149-8691
Rua Caracas, nº 886 – Jd. América, Sorocaba/SP – CEP 18046-71
Tel.: (15) 99255-3416
Tel.: (11) 93464-9362
Av. Doutor José Bonifácio Coutinho Nogueira, nº 150, conj. 01, sala 29, Jardim Madalena – CEP 13091-611
Tel.: (19) 99240-9711
Tel.: (11) 93464-9362
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